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The CW and Work Discussion October 14th + October Potluck on the 29th

Happy autumn! We hope you'll pay us a visit at 8617 Mora Ln for some fun this October: The Catholic Worker and Work Discussion Do we need to get rid of work or is it something to be sanctified? Is the call to "abolish work" not so different from Peter Maurin's vision of an "integrated life"? Is mass production inherently opposed to human dignity? Join us on October 14th at 6 PM as we compare and contrast some of Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin's thoughts on work ( found here ) with non-CW Bob Black's essay " The Abolition of Work ." (No time for all these readings? Join us anyway!) Priests and laity alike have lost the concept of work, they have lost a philosophy of labor, as Peter Maurin has always said. They have lost the concept of work, and those who do not know what work in the factory is, have romanticized both it and the workers, and in emphasizing the dignity of the worker, have perhaps unconsciously emphasized the dignity of work
Recent posts

"Protect Oak Flat!" Prayer Gathering with Apache Stronghold

  Protect Oak Flat Prayer Gathering with Apache Stronghold - August 27 - 6 PM - Tower Grove Park Stone Shelter Join us in supporting Apache Stronghold as they fight to protect their sacred place at Oak Flat from being destroyed by mining.  Because the shady backroom congressional deal giving the land to foreign mining corporations also exempted those corporations from environmental, cultural, and archeological legal protections, Apache Stronghold's case appeals to the First Amendment's protection of religious expression. If Oak Flat is destroyed by mining the Apache people's ability to practice their religion as they have for time immemorial will be permanently and irreparably harmed. This gathering is part of Apache Stronghold's nationwide Prayer Journey traveling towards Washington DC where they will be filing their case at the US Supreme Court on September 11. People of good will from all faiths are welcome to come learn from Apache Stronghold and join their spiritu

August - September Events!

    Last Sunday of the Month Potluck - August 25 Bring a friend and a dish to share and join us at 5 PM at the STL Catholic Worker Community house at 8617 Mora Ln Protect Oak Flat Prayer Gathering with Apache Stronghold - August 27  For the past year  the STL Catholic Worker Community (and Theo in particular) has been supporting Apache Stronghold as they fight to protect their sacred place at Oak Flat from being destroyed by copper mining. You can read about the Oak Flat legal case here or check out this informational video put together by the law firm representing Apache Stronghold here . As they travel towards Washington DC, Apache Stronghold is collecting prayers and sharing about their struggle along the way. Please join us on the evening of Tuesday August 27th to pray with and learn from Apache Stronghold. We’ll be gathering at Tower Grove Park’s Stone Shelter at 6 PM to pray for and support the fight to protect sacred land from capitalist extraction. The STL Catholic Worker Comm

Volunteer with us! Help make burritos!

  Hi friends, we need your helping making burritos to distribute to our friends on the street. Helpers are needed on Saturday mornings from about 10 AM till noon and can expect to chop veggies, roll burritos, and help do some dishes at our house of hospitality. Not in the St. Louis area? Can't make it on Saturday mornings? Perhaps you're in a place to consider sponsoring burrito ingredients and bottled water which cost us about $75 each week. Gifts can be sent through venmo @STLCatholicWorker or via check made out to STL Catholic Worker Community and mailed to 8617 Mora Ln. St. Louis, MO 63147. Other needs that precariously housed folks often ask us for and that you can bring us directly include:  socks bug spray over the counter pain meds (ibuprofen, etc.) lotion body wash Email us at to sign up to volunteer, find a time to bring by donations, or with any other questions. Thanks for all your support!  

June's House Blessing and Fundraiser Concert!

Join us on June 7 at 7PM for a backyard fundraiser concert organized by our friend Sue! Grab some snacks, drinks and a few bucks to give to the STL Catholic Worker Community and make your way to 2811 Wakonda Dr. 63121. Everyone's welcome and no one is turned away because of lack of funds!   Come by our new house of hospitality on  June 15 for our first potluck in our new home! We'll have a short (15 minute-ish) house blessing at 2 followed by food and friends.  Can't make it at 2? Come by before 4 for a quick house tour.

We bought a house!

  The St. Louis Catholic Worker bought a house! After weeks of delay, we finally got the keys today! The building is big and beautiful, with a good yard for a Catholic Worker garden. It was built in 1904 and has a few imperfections (don't we all) but we'll be able to start moving in immediately as we make higher need repairs. We’ve been overwhelmed by all the love and support that our local support community and the broader Catholic Worker movement has shown us. Thanks to all those who have sent prayers and financial resources our way. Folks have been more generous than we could have imagined and we were able to put down a decent sized down payment. We hope support will continue as we begin having regular monthly bills, mortgage payments, and other expenses related to performing the works of mercy. We have already started collecting gently used household items to furnish the place (we own almost nothing.) You can check out this list of needs and let us know if you have anythin

What is the CW event April 28th!

Join us to learn more about the Catholic Worker's philosophy and praxis!