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StL CW December Updates!


Merry Christmas friends!  

If you haven't already heard, our biggest news is that we've started raising money to purchase a house for Catholic Worker hospitality in the St. Louis area. You can read our longer appeal here or in our newsletter linked below.    

If you're in a place to make a financial gift to help us on a down payment please send checks made out to the "STL Catholic Worker Community" c/o Sophia House 4547 Gibson Ave. St. Louis, MO 63110. We've also set up a GoFundMe.

Our humble zine, In The Shell of The Old issue #2 was sent out recently. We decided to do a big one time snail mailing to local people from the Karen House mailing list,  something like 1,300 people. While it took a little while and cost a little bit, we've already made some new friends from the effort and hope the trend continues. You can email us if you want a physical copy sent to your doorstep!  

Oh no! We've heard from a couple of our friends that our emails have been going to spam. Please check to see that we aren't being relegated to your spam folder. If you're still not seeing our notes in there or you're new, please shoot us an email to get on our list:     


The spam debacle meant some folks missed word of our Christmas party, which is a downer. If you weren't able to make it this time for hot cocoa and Christmas songs, hopefully you'll be there for our discussion of Pope Francis’s recent document Laudate Deum hosted by our friend Matt on January 7th at the Hubbard family home 3704 St. Ann’s Ln 63121.   

Thanks for all your love and support!     


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first issue of the StL CW newsletter "In the Shell of the Old" available

In the Shell of the Old issue 1 pdf download