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Geez Magazine


  1. Hi - I would like to connect with you folks - I will be coming to St Louis Aug 11-17 from Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage - I am a licensed professional civil engineer (PE) in Missouri & Kansas, and a handyman / farmer / small business person - have also lived with the Twelve Tribes Communities for awhile, too - but am originally from St Peter parish in Kirkwood, MO, and attended SLUH before my dad got transferred to Michigan when I was younger... am hoping to attend the Nurturing Communities Network retreat at Camp Loucon in Kentucky this October (am carpooling with a family from Excelsior Springs, MO) - am excited to hear you are wanting to get a house (I have a house in Princeton Heights that might work, but it's currently in use) - I would potentially be interested in helping with that effort, and maybe even co-housing with you (if that would even be an option) - in the meantime, please feel free to contact me - would love to hear from you... Mike "Daragh" Kelly, (816) 492-9344, or


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